You Made It!

The fact that you are reading this right now tells me that you aren’t completely satisfied with your options as they’ve been presented. Maybe something has been stirring underneath the surface or maybe something you’ve read or heard lately sparked some interests in alternative paths. If so then you have come to the right place! No matter what path you take at this point you have at least realized the opportunity you have to question the norm, defy expectations, and follow a path that is right for you. That in itself is invaluable. And no matter which way you are leaning, I fully encourage you to explore each and every option and do it on a regular basis. If you think back to the person you were 10 or even 5 years ago: what you watched and listened to, the hobbies you had, the way you dressed, your friends, etc., you will probably realize that you’ve changed a lot. With that in mind it would be absolutely crazy for you to believe that you will be the exact same person in the next 5-10 years. We are shaped by our environments and experiences and so far those two factors have been somewhat controlled. But now, or quite soon, you are going to have absolute freedom to choose what you want to do, what you want to learn and where you want to be. Because of this you are going to change a lot as a person over the next decade. This means you need to leave yourself room to grow; leave yourself open to take new paths and accept new opportunities as they arise.

My goal with this site isn’t to convince you to live any life in particular. My goal is simply to make you an active participant in your own. It’s too easy to get swept up in what is expected and just coast along living the lives that others want for us. Their intent is good, but only YOU can decide what is right or wrong for your destiny. The information provided should give you more insight into ‘alternative’ philosophies and viewpoints that had an impact on me. Along with this I have constructed some practical resources if you are ready to pursue one of these paths. And at the very end, if you still have questions you can always reach out to me. Now, I don’t have all the answers and I would never claim to. The old and wise Confucius said, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”, and I’m very aware of mine. That being said, I may know of certain resources that you don’t. So while I am not a counselor (nor do I play one on YouTube) I will do my best to offer guidance wherever possible. So without further adieu, have fun.


Dive In

These are just a small sample of some of the books that have influenced my life and belief system. I put the ones that I believe are most important first but if you see something that calls out to you… then start there. Also, I have to give a disclaimer. These are affiliate links, which means if you click on one of the titles and buy it from the Amazon page, I will receive a very small commission. It doesn’t cost you anymore but it helps me support the site and continue to spread the message. However, if you can get it cheaper somewhere else than DO IT! The important thing is that you read them. Also, if you want more book recommendations then be sure to sign up for my email list.

Keep in Touch

7 + 7 =

Don’t Be Shy!

Please please please stay in touch! If you have any feedback for me (good or bad) I would love to use it to further improve the message. Also, if you ever have any questions or would like to share your story and/ your path, then please don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I’m always available no matter where I am in the world… and I will respond eventually. 🙂

Cheers to your next step!
Ivan the Intrepid